Zap it.
Sometimes Windows Installers would not uninstall properly due to reasons such as dependancy or simply some type of corruption. This would result in partly removed component on the machine. If the installer belongs to you, then it can be corrected but meanwhile to have the machine cleaned of the unwanted component a nice cool tool is available.Its called MSIZAP.exe. Its available as part of the Windows Platform SDK install can be installed from here .
To run it just type MsiZap.Exe T {Product Code}. Product Code is an unique GUID of the installer. If you have the actual project installer in VS.NET the product code can be seen in the properties. It has several options associated with it, and you can explore it on the command line.
If the installer does not belong to you then you can still open the installer by opeing it in ORCA which is "One Really Cool App" and it really is. ORCA is also available from the same download as ORCA.MSI which you would need to install on your machine.
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